Monday, 8 March 2010

Micro element - Cinematography

We have targeted the micro elements of Mise-en-Scene in a variety of ways.
For example we have targeted our cinematograpy by using good locations to get a variety of shots. One of our locations gave us the abilty to film low angle shots from a distance. This was helpful when considering the amount of shots we had used. Although we did have problems when first capturing our footage as we clearly saw that we had too many "long" shots and not enough close ups. Look at the post for "Variety of Shot" to read more info about this.

- Ben


  1. A few the shots where good i did like the low angle one of bens feet but i would of liked to of got a few shots from above but we would never of bin able to do this

    chris :)

  2. when we first went out there were too many long shots, and not enough close ups - it was hard to do close ups when running though. However, we went out again and got more close ups through the flashbacks.

  3. The animation stops, displaying the currently active frame. 펀비


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